Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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DOS Batch File
221 lines
if not %1!==! goto %1
: REM A pre-SW screen just for effect
: REM make sure the screen is default white on black
: REM reset border
sw /o
: REM save existing prompt
set sav=%prompt%
: REM make sure there was room in environment
if not %sav%!==%prompt%! goto skip
set prompt=$e[0m$p$g
@echo on
@echo off
echo Are Your Batch Files Dull?
echo Lifeless?
echo Boring?
echo SCREEN WIZARD is the answer!
set prompt=%sav%
set sav=
: REM skip over beepdemo labels
: REM Put screen definitions in a separate file
goto begin
: REM labels for Alert sounds demos near the beginning of file
: REM for faster execution
sw /a1
goto BeepDemo
sw /a2
goto BeepDemo
sw /a3
goto BeepDemo
sw /a4
goto BeepDemo
sw /a5
goto BeepDemo
sw /a6
goto BeepDemo
sw /a7
goto BeepDemo
sw /a8
goto BeepDemo
sw /a9
goto beepdemo
sw @sw46demo charge
goto beepdemo
sw @sw46demo close
goto beepdemo
sw @sw46demo Fifth
goto beepdemo
sw @sw46demo WZLX
goto beepdemo
sw /a110-3520,12
goto beepdemo
sw /a3520-110,6
goto beepdemo
: REM Alternate errorlevel check using FOR loop
: REM Query is handled in a separate screen def so that I won't waste time
: REM redrawing the menu after each sound.
sw @sw46demo Snd_Query
: REM Errorlevels checked by FOR IN DO loop makes for a short line but
: REM slower processing
for %%e in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) do if errorlevel %%e goto beep%%e
if not errorlevel 1 goto DI
goto beepdemo
: REM Command line examples, positioning, colors, shadows, pause, Wide edge
: REM Color numbers are used to shorten the line
: REM Command line cannot exceed 128 characters
sw /r125 /c180 /z /l0 " " /bwhi
sw /kwhi[_] /kred /r2 /s /bred "SCREEN WIZARD - Enhance Your Batch Files!" /0 /w /m " v 4.6 " /o /z
sw /r10 /l1 /bcya /fRED "In it's simplest form, SW displays your text" "in a window in the center of the screen."
sw /r18 /l3 /t11 "Display up to 50 lines" /t14 "- each with its own color -" /t12 "in one window!" /0
sw /r25 /l0 /0 " - Press any key to continue - " /p100-
: REM More command line examples, justify, borders
sw /kcya░ /r2 /s /bred "SCREEN WIZARD - Add Color to Your BAT's!" /tYEL "So easy to use!" /w /0 /m " v 4.6 " /z
sw /fbla /byel /l4 /r10 "Other parameters allow different window colors," "double spacing, and 5 different borders" /2
sw /b7 /r19 /g4 /l "Clear the screen with color" "using an optional character for fill" "& make windows with shadows." /0 /s
sw /bwhi /r19 /gyel /l0 /0 /c4 /jl " Justify " " Text" " Left"
sw /bwhi /r19 /gyel /l0 /0 /c68 /jr " Justify " "Text " "Right "
sw /r25 /l0 /0 " - Press any key to continue - " /p100-
set colr=bla
: REM Make sure there was room in the environment
if not "%colr%"=="bla" goto next
: REM Another command line example, Query with default, Border Message, Draw
: REM Draw a full screen window
sw /r125 /c180 /o1 " "
sw /r3 /s /bred "SCREEN WIZARD - Flow Control for BAT's!" /w /0 /m " v 4.6 " /z
: REM The following line is longer than 128 characters BUT it works because
: REM when the line is processed by DOS, the %colr% variable is replaced by
: REM the color value making the command line 3 characters shorter.
sw /e12 /r13 /b%colr% /s /m /t14 "▌ Pick a Color ▐" "~Brown ~Cyan ~White ~Green" "Press {ESC} to go on..." /q~bcwg /2 /l5 /d
if errorlevel 4 set colr=gre
if errorlevel 4 goto colors
if errorlevel 3 set colr=whi
if errorlevel 3 goto colors
if errorlevel 2 set colr=cya
if errorlevel 2 goto colors
if errorlevel 1 set colr=yel
if errorlevel 1 goto colors
set colr=
: REM Display screen definition with default label
sw @sw46demo
: REM Display screen definition in external file
sw @sw-46.new
: REM Display screen definition with label 'Snd_menu'
sw @sw46demo Snd_menu
: REM Query is handled separately beacause I wanted to return to the menu
: REM after processing the response without redoing the screen.
: REM I also placed it nearer the top of the file to speed it up.
goto beepdemo
: REM create screen definition on the fly to demo DI.EXE
if exist di.hlp goto DI_Display
sw /r15 /l1 /0 /s /bwhi /fBLU /gblu "Standby!" "Building Next Screen"
echo : REM This file was created by SW46DEMO.BAT > di.hlp
echo : REM If simply viewing this file, Try the following command at the DOS prompt >> di.hlp
echo : REM "SW @DI.HLP" >> di.hlp
echo.>> di.hlp
echo :Display >> di.hlp
echo _window /kmag▒─┼─▒ /s /bred /r2 /0 /w >> di.hlp
echo SCREEN WIZARD - Now with DI!>> di.hlp
echo /mc v 4.6 >> di.hlp
echo _window /jl /s /0 /r9 >> di.hlp
echo /mc Disk Information >> di.hlp
echo.>> di.hlp
di >> di.hlp
echo. >> di.hlp
echo /m /eYEL "~╡ Press any key to continue ~╞">> di.hlp
echo _window /r25 /bblu /l0 /0 /p300- >> di.hlp
echo :End_Display >> di.hlp
sw @di.hlp
: REM Display screen definition with label '4.6'
sw @sw46demo 4.6
for %%t in (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) do sw /r25 /l0 /0 /a10000,1 /p8- " - Pausing %%t seconds - " /@-
sw /r25 /l0 /0 /a60,1 /p2 " - Outta Here! - "
if exist sw-big.sw sw @sw-big
: REM display help screen